Redesigned Affiliate Banners for Higher CTR

With the eleven2 affiliate program getting more and more signups each and every month, we decided it was time for a complete banner resource overhaul. Today I am pleased to announce that we have an entire brand new collection of eleven2 banners available for affiliates to use.

Why We Redesigned Them

The web is always moving on. Every year there are new websites trends, standards in the web industry, new web technologies etc. Our old banners were lacking substance, and didn’t present a clear message.

Many of our affiliates have all different kinds of website styles. We wanted to design a large array of banners, to fit with all website design styles, and at the same time offer more ad dimensions.

Increasing CTR

These new banners will hopefully increase the amount of people who click your banners, and thus increase the sales ratio. Earning you more money each and every month as an affiliate.

How To Grab Them

To get our new affiliate banners, check out our new affiliate page. You can simply download just the banners you want to, or you can download the entire banner pack in a .zip file.

We would love to hear your thoughts on the new banners. Simply drop us a comment below or feel free to facebook or tweet us.
