Reseller hosting simply means you are reselling your web hosts storage space and bandwidth for certain amount of profit. It is usually the first step that you would take if you have decided to get into hosting business and make it big someday.
Here are some positive and negative points related to web hosting :
Positive points:
1. You can add your own value added service
2. You can recreate your own custom plans
3. You need very little investment to start a hosting company
4. You get all technical help from your host
5. You don’t have to worry about maintaining your server
6. You don’t need to be technically qualified to operate.
Negative points:
1. You have limited control over the server
2. Your account has its quota and bandwidth restrictions.
3. Your support process may get slower as you may need to depend upon your host for solutions
Another thing to look out for is if your host allows overselling on your reseller account. Ideally you would want to host on servers which do not allow overselling, but it does come at a cost of decreased profitability.