And so we’re approaching the end of 2012. This year has been phenomenal for the team here at eleven2. We don’t know where the time has gone. So much has happened this year, It’s fair to say this has been eleven2’s biggest year since launching back in 2003.
We’re just going to talk you through a few of our favorite things that have happened this year at eleven2 HQ. And we look forward to rolling out some truly innovative products in 2013.
Dedicated Servers:
Although we have had a small dedicated offering in the past, we decided to blow it right out the water when we officially launched our dedicated range in June. We have four main dedicated servers, and you can literally customise everything about them.
Need more RAM? Bandwidth? RAID5? Everything is fully customisable on our checkout process. Add in extra hard disk drives from just a few dollars! Our pricing is extremely competitive.
Brand New Order Forms:
After months of hearing what customers had to say, and many management meetings, we decided it was time for a complete checkout process overhaul. Customers didn’t like having to go through many pages of steps to complete a simple order.
Introducing the one page e2 checkout. Our development team got together to design and develop one of the sleekest checkout processes in the hosting industry. Our one page checkout eliminates the need to fill out unnecessary information, and anyone can complete it in less than a minute!
LiteSpeed & CloudLinux:
LiteSpeed and CloudLinux both greatly improved the performance of our web hosting. Litespeed is a drop in replacement of Apache. Apache is the most popular web-server on the Internet today, it is the part that actually powers your website. Litespeed allows us to replace Apache, and use the same configuration files, however, Litespeed provides for over a 600% increased performance in static files and over 50% increase in performance for PHP based applications, such as WordPress, etc.
Cloudlinux quite simply puts a cage around all customers in terms of resource allocation, such as: CPU %, CPU Core Limit, Memory Usage. We have tested extensively on thousands and thousands of websites, and found that CloudLinux is the most reliable and stable OS for our shared hosting infrastructure.
Asia Hosting Location:
After being in beta since February, in early summer we rolled out our Asia location to the public. Shared hosting was rolled out first, slowly followed by reseller hosting.
Having locations in the USA, London & Asia helps us offer true worldwide hosting, with more locations possibly launching in 2013!
Brand New e2Panel + Real-Time Stats!
Our e2Panel is what our customers use to manage their websites. In summer, the development team got together and wanted to overhaul the look of e2Panel, rolling out a brand new version (3.0). In august 2012, we officially rolled out the brand new e2Panel v3.0 with a complete overhaul to the UI.
But we didn’t stop there. We wanted to integrate live real-time web stats for customers websites, right into e2Panel. Powered by our friends at GoSquared, we launched real-time stats in December 2012.
Improved Support & Satisfaction:
We have made some huge advancements to our support team & systems this year. We introduced pre-defined support subjects, which help our tech team be more organised and productive.
We have also added to our support team over the year, and in December alone we hired another 4 technicians, who are currently in training at the moment. We always have web hosting job opportunities opening up.
Network Status System:
On top of making many improvements to support in general, we wanted a way to inform customers if there were any issues affecting their services. A week or so in the hands of our development team, and we came out with the e2 network status system.
The network status system informs customers when they login to their e2Brain, if there are any issues affecting their services. Each case provides a detailed timeline of updates. We think keeping customers informed and in the know is crucial, and at the same time, this helps keeps repetitive tickets to a minimum, so we can best focus our resources.
Deals for e2 Customers:
Now there’s another great reason to be an eleven2 customer. We have an exclusive set of discounts and deals available to eleven2 customers only. We partnered up with some of the top web apps companies, offering discounts of up to 50% exclusively for eleven2 customers. Login to the eleven2 Brain and click “Deals” on the right hand side.
Affiliate Program Improvements:
Our affiliate program has seen major growth and attention this year. Mainly because we pay some of the industries top payout rates, starting at $75 per customer and up to $150 per customer! Our affiliate program is constantly getting more and more banners added to our huge catalog!
Affiliates in 2012 saw bonuses of $10,000 per month in addition to the normal $15,000 in payouts for 100 sales. We also gave away iPads, cash and other gifts to our affiliates for referring 10 or more sales per month.
Your Feedback?
We are always pushing for innovation here at eleven2. Delivering you the best features and technology available in the web hosting industry. If you have any feedback, our ears are always open. We would love to hear it! You can contact us via social media, or simply drop us a comment below!
We wish you all the best in the new year! Here’s to 2012!