SharkSpace currently offers the leading control panel Cpanel, but what about second and third in line Plesk and DirectAdmin? Currently neither are supported by SharkSpace, but they are in serious consideration. The user demand for Plesk and DirectAdmin is currently no where near that of Cpanel. Perhaps when they both reach the development stage that Cpanel is in, then there will be a good chance that SharkSpace will offer product lines featuring them.
Why not offer them now?
If SharkSpace offered them now, we would need to hire a specialty staff that is trained in their use. This would not be cheap, but would be manageable if there was high demand for the products. The problem is there demand is not currently that high.
Another reason is Plesk is more expensive than Cpanel, but has less features. I’m not sure how many clients would go on a more expensive package to have less.
The waiting game.
SharkSpace will someday offer all the leading control panels so every user can take advantage of the great service SharkSpace offers, but when that time will be is controlled by the product development and user demand.