Qualcomm, one of the largest manufacturers in mobile hardware has recently announced that an application called the Snapdragon Game Pack, a program mainly aimed towards optimizing the hardware and software capabilities of Qualcomm chipsets. This suite already boasts of over a 100 mobile game titles that have been designed for devices which are running the latest Snapdragon on them. This latest release comes as no surprise as the company has had immense success with their processing and graphical mobile chipsets which already feature in over 125 different devices, with a further 250 more in development from OEMs and operators across the globe.
This is being seen as an innovative way for Qualcomm to partner with a plethora of publishers and developers involved in making and releasing of game titles primarily for the Snapdragon platform. The press release by the company has words of appreciation and praise for gaming publishers such as Digital Chocolate, Glu, Gameloft, NAMCO BANDAI Games America, to name a few. One of the biggest selling points for Qualcomm is the immense potential for growth as the current set of 100 titles is bound to rise with an almost inevitable increase in the quality of gaming on mobile devices in the future.
Mobile gaming experiences have already started to resemble, match and sometimes even surpass what you typically observe or expect in a household gaming console or a dedicated mobile console. This increases the likelihood of development of a unified device which is both a phone as well a dedicated gaming device.
Qualcomm have quoted figures stating that almost 60% of all smartphone users use their phones for gaming purposes. Now, with the next generation of quad-core Adreno GPUs coming on to the market, their performance coupled with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon optimized games will ensure that this percentage of users rises well above the current mark by creating more demanding and engrossing games for Snapdragon equipped devices.
These Snapdragon optimized games will most likely be available to Android users via the Android Market as well as the developers’ own stores, allowing developers to make money off pre-install versions before the game hits the official Android market. Qualcomm already takes credit for the hardware which is responsible for popular titles such as Adrenaline HD, Asphalt 6, NOVA HD, Real Soccer 2011 HD, Assassin’s Creed HD and Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X HD to name but a few.